Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Excerpt from diplomatic review 1897

The Crowns desire to claim sovereignty over what has now become known as Doggerland has several obstacles to overcome.

First problem is the vast number of dispossessed Norwegian and Swedish refugees that have settled in the eastern and northern areas, also claimed by king Oscar for his people.

Second a vast portion of the land falls into what are traditionally Norwegian or Danish waters.

Thirdly, a large portion of the territory appears to be a wasteland of frozen salt marsh swamps in the winter and dried out dustbowls during the summer.

Forth, a population of short human like creatures seem to live around the area known as Dogger Hills, they appear quite civilized and some trading is already occurring between them and the Essex men.

The currently accepted boundary of British Crown holdings is the Silver River to the east and up as far as the River Tay, then north to the Shetland hills. The boundary to the south runs along the River Rhine.

Expansion south is certainly an option for consideration as no central authority has yet to emerge in France, and this is certainly something the German  Empire is aware of.

geological society report to parliament 12/5/1899

Recent studies over the last ten years have noticed a slowing and eventual halt to the growth of glaciers over the west of Scotland , northwest England and Drumlins Ireland. Vast areas of these parts are now uninhabitable to humans, however some areas are infested with what can only be described as goblins.
These creatures are ugly, uncouth and violent to a degree not normally seen in a human society, they raid upon the lawful and good folk of the neighbouring counties and cause much wanton destruction. The northern parts of our nation are effectively at the mercy of the goblins, and goblins appear to have no mercy.
One advantage the citizens of the north have over these brutes are the benefits of our modern technology, the goblins use crude weapons such as bows, swords and axes whilst the good people have access to pistols and rifles.
It is the recommendation of the society to the government of her majesty to send forth a force of sufficient strength to eradicate these creatures before they become to numerous to move.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Queen Victoria saves the day

Museum archivist and part time magician Henri  Penn  is believed to be the perpetrator  of the Paris  incident.  Common consensus believes it to  have happened about half past five  on Friday the 27th of January, exact location unknown. The precise  details are lost but the psychic shock wave and terrible upheavals in the earth's crust are well known. 
The death toll that day was so vast few have tried to put a figure to it. The survivors then had to contend with the madness that afflicted so many,followed by disease, famine and a breakdown in law and order. Governments simply ceased to function. Many believed judgement day had arrived. 

It took six months for a working authority to coalesce in London. Based in the relatively undamaged Tower, Queen Victoria began to rebuild her nation. Remnants of the army,navy and police were gathered together, rationing was enforced and work parties conscripted. Within a year London was once again a functioning city.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

January 27th 1901 Alice Henry interview

Thirty years ago today the world changed, or at least that's what they tell me. The German empire was at war with France, old France that is, and  that's when it happened. They say it started in Paris. One minute the Prussians are shelling the city, next they're fighting hell's own.
There is no explanation for what followed, an ice age? Tectonic activity? Gods wrath? It doesn't matter. The seas retreated leaving ships stranded in ports. Winters got longer and colder. Crops withered in the fields. Governments struggled under the collapse of trade, famines and waves of refugees. War and revolution, strange creatures, supernatural powers, it all added up.
Queen Vic died last week, she outlasted most of her empire by several decades. Edward says he will rebuild the empire, we shall see. Britain is a nation under siege, no longer an island, no longer an empire. Beset by the creature from the Paris gate, raiders from the Scandinavian highlands, fractious subjects and ambitious neighbours.
It's not like it was, apparently.